My Article on

Text in the City-Channeling My Inner Carrie Bradshaw
My home office doubles as a guest room, so, when there’s a guest I unfortunately get the boot. I have to clear all of my notes, scoop up...

When the IPad is Out of Commission
While I am young enough to appreciate the coolness of a new app, I am too old to care. I have to admit that I’m just not that into the...
Atypical is the New Normal
When my manuscript was first reviewed by PJ Library (, I was struck by one of the reviewers comments, "we love that you...
I'm a Much Better Mom in My Story
I'm not a Mommy Dearest by any means, but if I have to be honest, I'm a much better parent in my story. During the editing process for my...
Who is Al?
Did you ever wonder where a writer gets their inspiration? Well, for me, much of what I write comes from personal experience. Al the...