Because... You Can Eat Healthy and Still Have a Ball!

Sessions are geared toward but not limited to:
Non-Profit Jewish Organizations
Adult Learning Programs
Teen Programming
Youth and Jewish College Groups
Women's Groups
Rosh- Hodesh Groups
Leadership Groups
And more
Wellness Through a Jewish Lens
As a wellness coach and Jewish educator, I deliver a meaningful learning environment regarding wellness and tradition by promoting healthy living using Judaic sources/text. These seminars are customized to fit the needs of the Jewish organization when you are looking for workplace wellness/ wellness seminars that are steeped in Jewish value.
What to Expect In A Seminar
Each seminar builds on the triangle rule of wellness incorporating our physical, spiritual/social and mental/emotional selves using multiple Jewish texts, stories and concepts ranging from Torah, Talmud, Pikei Avot, liturgy, etc. All sources are used as jumping points to explore our responsibility as Jews and as humans of fulfilling the mitzvah of Shmirat HaGuf-taking care of one's body.
Types of Seminars
All Seminars are typically 45-60 minutes
depending on organizational schedules
Three session packages-each reviewing and building on the session before-includes presentation, dialogue, along with purposeful activities to engage and create active participation.
Two Session Packages- A condensed version of the above description that focuses primarily on the introduction of the physical and spiritual elements of wellness and Torah.
Recipe Add On-Short cooking demo-bringing wellness and Torah together with a short cooking demo that pulls all the concepts learned about in each session. Food is plant based and prepared in advance.
Keynote Speaker-Available for organizational events-Pricing varies
Pricing-$175 per session -
Teen programs are 2 session minimum-$350 total)-option for third session discounted rate of $150
All programs have been moved to an
online platform until further notice