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The Beauty of Gratitude


Finding gratitude in nature

I HATE WINTER. This is usually my mantra starting way back in August. I already start to feel winter's noose around my neck. My kids hate it. "Mom, you are ruining the rest of summer for us." Eye-roll. It's true, but I do it every year. Fall is just a precursor to winter. I basically become a full fledged Eeyore-and then winter is upon us. I don't like cold, I hate runny noses, I always get sick, did I mention I'm always cold? Then there's snow, and lots of school delays, early dismissals and closures. Sure, I could say it's an advantage, a chance of precious time to spend with my kids, but..nope, after day three of school closure, I'm stick a fork in me done.

Last snow, I went down to my office under the guise of getting some work done, knowing full well, someone would be down in my office peppering me about what they should eat. So, instead of getting into work which I knew I was going to have to stop, I opened my shades and saw this tree. We planted this tree when the kids were small and never in my wildest dreams did I think it would soar to this height-especially since I am a plant/tree killer. But, there it was, in all it's glistening glory. The sun hitting it in such a way that it literally dazzled. So hushed and quiet outside, and after I took the picture, I just stood there for a while drinking in the beauty of it all. For a moment I forgot about shoveling, my runny nose, my kids arguing upstairs and just looked at the tree. Grateful. Calm. Taking a beat out of my I HATE WINTER campaign.

When was the last time you just took a moment to savor something? Food, coffee, or even a view. It isn't silly, or selfish, it's the essence of what keeps us grounded. Make it a part of your to do list-though not as a chore. Don't wait for something big to happen, start small. Put your coffee cup to your nose and breath it in. Take a moment to savor it's richness-take a few breaths and sip quietly. Adding these tiny gestures throughout our day can make them more meaningful, even spiritual. It doesn't cost anything (unless you go to Starbucks) and the rewards are endless.. Namaste.


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